MODEL TALENT HUB makes it easy for customers to do activities to make customers make their lives more convenient and effective.

Over the past few decades, the world economy has been a huge
shift from agriculture and production to services, and then to the creative sector
as noted by Richard Florida, head of the Martin Prosperity Institute. Modern technologies destroy the economy in such a way that more and more people are unemployed and have previously been considered crazy — the idea of ​​an unconditional base income, already implemented. Soon our society will face an impulse, while physical routine and even mental labor are no longer needed for progress.
MDL Talent Hub probably will not save the world, but certainly the platform will make it brighter than one of the fundamental features of this project, that it will create jobs and give meaning to people’s lives. Is not it good when people can find an audience that pays for their talents / talents and monetizes the time they spend hobbies? MDL will facilitate their work. MDL Talent Hub conceptually sooner or later and MDL Talent Hub likes to be a facilitator
A talented agent / practical talent is an entertaining talent. talent agents, also known as booking agents, looking for work for writers, musicians,
actors, magicians, filmmakers, music or film producers, models, professional athletes and others working in various entertainment fields.
Most talents / talents work in the entertainment industry based on freelancers, as each new project, as a rule, has new requirements. Thus, it takes time and effort to create a new
employment relationship looking for specific talents, discussing and confirming with them the working conditions, make sure that they fulfill what is required, provide working conditions, manage payments, etc.
The success of an advertising event, the shooting of a TVC or a fashion show depends largely on the talent. When a large number of resources are concentrated to manage a product or idea, it is absolutely necessary to ensure that talents do their best. On the other hand, talents are often subjected to violence, deceit or cruel treatment. That’s why it can be difficult and expensive to work with good professional models and actors, actors and other types.
Search or search. The widespread information about the work consumes resources and it is difficult to find a worthy talent. At present, supply and demand are hidden, the channel is not consolidated. Pel bookers do not know about the talent schedule, so it takes time to contact each of them. Modern solutions are technologically and logically outdated.
Reputation or reputation — It is difficult to monitor talents and browsers from the black list, because there is no integrated database for it. Often working conditions are not clearly defined, offensive or irrelevant from the bookshelf. Lots of money and low offers from book owners. Talents often behave badly or deceive their parameters and skills.
Presentation or presentation — gathering and presenting information about casting takes a long time. The latter client is often well suited for talents with better presentation materials than with the most appropriate one.
We create good platforms for talent and bookmakers to make their lives more convenient and effective. A clear understanding of business processes in the talent market, as well as the possibility of using modern technological solutions, allow our team to become game changers in the industry. Our tools will help solve existing problems and make the life of market participants more perfect.
In particular, MLD Talent Hub will perform the following actions:
Being an insider in this industry, we can define and develop simple solutions for bookmakers and talents, such as an easy-to-use ordering system, an exciting talent profile, a time management tool, a talent catalog for end customers.
By providing useful tools for both talent and accountants, we will consolidate the existing market of one platform, so the search for talent and work will be greatly simplified.
With the help of blockchain technology we will create a rating system for each participant and, thus, provide transparency and confidence in the market.
MDL — Mine Distributed Ledger
To facilitate the trust of MDL’s reputation, Talent Hub will use two modern blockchain and PIDS technologies. How it works?
Permanent permanent data storage (PIDS) is a new way of storing information. The technology allows you to store data on user devices, rather than centralized servers that are vulnerable to
attack. Currently, two prospective protocols are being developed, which are already available for use:
IPFS and CXO promise to significantly reduce costs and increase the transmission speed. Once the file is loaded, it receives a hash amount — a specific code address for the files that everyone can use to access it.
For the preparation of ITO, we need approx. 500 000 US dollars. This amount will start the ITO campaign. in March 2018, where we expect improvement in ca. $ 20 million for the development of the platform. October 8, 2017 on the wave platform 100 million. The asset information token can be found below: To follow the sale of the Pre-ITO, participants must install a wallet wave. Please go to
December 12, 2017–31 January 2018
Soft cover: 30000000 [pre-MDL] (300 000 $ USD)
Hard cap: 50000000 [pre-MDL] ($ 500,000 USD)
Price token: 0 , 01 US dollars
March 10, 2018–10 Apr, 2018
Soft lid: 200000000 ($ 10,000,000 USD)
Hard lid: 400 million ($ 20,000,000)
Price token: $ 0.05 USD
Symbol: (pre-MDL)
Platform: Waves
Delivery of the token: 100 000 000
Date: December 12, 2017–31 January 2018
Received: BTC, BCC, ETH, DLL, SKY, WAVES, DASH, Zcash
Token Price: $ 0.01
Maximum individual print: $ 20,000
Hardcap: $ 500,000
Project price ITO: $ 0.05
Pre-ITO interest: 5x
October 2017 — launch of the website and blog, MDL tokens Token
November 2017 — GUI prototype development
January 2018 — Pre-ITO
March 2018 — ITO
November 2018 — Launch the alpha version
March 2019 — Launch MVP
April-June 2019 — Launch of the Chinese version for local talent
September 2019 — Expansion of the overseas talent market in China
December 2019 — Enter the local talent resources market across Asia
March 2020 — The ecosystem market Prosumer
June 2020 — Launch of the mining system
see below for details:
Author : Vionaa
My Bitcointalk Prfile Link:


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